This PACKAGE is a protection not only against potential COVID-19 infection, but also against other health and life threats that accompany this pandemic, which may be more dangerous than the infection itself. (Including potential interactions of the coronavirus with other viruses or bacteria).
In addition, it is designed in such a way that it will be relevant long after the end of the pandemic to eliminate the post-pandemic syndrome and adapt to the new reality.
What is essential in this difficult period, the AntyCOVID-19 PACKAGE optimizes the adaptive transformation of the human body and psyche.
These are specially and purposefully completed MEANS-CARRIERS OF VIP ADAPTATION, namely:
- for internal use;
- spray into the nose and / or inhale;
- for internal use;
It is vital to take this type of Fiber BABKА PŁESZNIK VIP ADAPTATION®. Why?
As you know, COVID-19 is especially dangerous for the lungs, and unfortunately, little is known that the lungs-as an organ necessary for life-exist in conjunction with the large intestine, which is supposed to protect the lungs. In addition, 80% of the immune system structures are located in the large intestine. BABKA PŁESZNIK fiber (AntyCOVID-19) optimizes the work of the large intestine and the immune system, and in this way protects the lungs and the entire body in the direction we need. In addition to its unique properties, in synergy with this mechanism works cabbage, sauerkraut on SALT VIP ADAPTATION® (KK1+).
Wellness properties of Fiber BABKA PŁESZNIK VIP ADAPTATION ® (AntyCOVID-19):
- strengthening the respiratory system;
- improving the quality of blood;
- improving the condition of teeth;
- elimination of pathogenic microbes throughout the body;
- optimizing the functioning of the thyroid gland;
- improvement of cerebral circulation;
- memory improvement;
- antidepressants;
- anti-aging products;
- promotes real life extension.
it should be taken at least once a day in the morning on an empty stomach:
SODA-1 teaspoon per 100 kg of body weight.
FIBER – 1-3 teaspoons.
Pour warm water, mix and drink – you can mix them together in one glass.
The symbol (U) — means universal completion — use for the needs of any kitchen and any table;
The sign ( + ) — wherever it is present, indicates an increase in the antiviral potential of this substance, and the products to which this substance is added.
SALT VIP ADAPTATION® (KK1+) – exclusively for sauerkraut.
The combination of characters (KK1+), where:
The character (K) — means cabbage;
The sign ( + ) — indicates an increase in the anti-virus potential.
(KK1+) is a necessary combination to obtain simultaneously the necessary increased antiviral and anti-oncological properties, since the phenomenon called COVID-19 contributes to (and even causes) the development of oncological diseases, and is especially dangerous for cancer patients, and for those who have a predisposition to this disease.
Health-improving properties of cabbage, sauerkraut on SALT VIP ADAPTATION® (KK1+):
- anti-infective;
- anti-oncological;
- antiparasitic;
- strengthening the respiratory system;
- increasing the energy protection of the body;
- regulation of the hormonal system;
- promotes the treatment of infertility;
- promotes the prevention and cure of prostate problems;
- promotes the healing of joint diseases;
- promotes the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis;
- antiepileptic drugs;
- antidepressants;
- contributes to the real prolongation of life.
The symbol (U) — means universal completion – use for the needs of any kitchen and any table;
The sign ( + ) — wherever it is present, indicates an increase in the antiviral potential of this substance, and the products to which this substance is added.
The symbol (U) — means universal completion.
The sign ( + ) — wherever it is present, indicates an increase in the antiviral potential of this substance.
The increase in antiviral potential obtained by drinking VIP ADAPTATION ® (U+) COFFEE can be further enhanced by sweetening it with VIP ADAPTATION ® (U+) SUGAR.
Rub in:
- in the middle finger of the right hand;
- in the ring finger of the left hand.
Several times a day.
This contributes to the activation of those body functions that are important for protecting against COVID-19.
This PACKAGE is intended for both prevention and use in the event of a possible illness.
In case of illness:
It is necessary to increase the dosage of all recommended Carrier Agents.
It is very important to use inhalation with VIP ADAPTATION ® SODA (AntyCOVID-19).
And if possible, use a body bath with
To slow down the development and elimination of cancer processes and the risk of cancer.
The order of products in the PACKAGE corresponds to their importance for the prevention and control of COVID-19!
In addition to the above MEDIA CARRIERS, VIP ADAPTATIONS are recommended:
9. Vitamin D3
10. Ginger root.
In addition to protection against COVID-19, a comprehensive reception of VIP ADAPTATION° MEDIA included in the PACKAGE
AntyCOVID-19, recommended for the treatment of the following types of pathology:
- degenerative diseases of the brain and central nervous system;
- oncology;
- atherosclerosis;
- problem with cerebral circulation;
- problems of blood circulation in the lower extremities;
- heart disease;
- chronic fatigue syndrome;
- tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease);
- infertility;
- allergies;
- mental illness;
- Alzheimer’s disease.