Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki


Poland 2015


W. S. Rybicki Translation from the Polish language Name of the original in Polish: «VIP ADAPTATION® – FORMUŁA ZDROWEGO ŻYCIA »

Copyright © by Władysław Stanisław Rybicki, 2015

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author.

Publisher: VIP ADAPTATION Sp. z o.o. , Poland

ISBN: 978-83-928799-6-1

VIP ADAPTATION® –  it is the most transparent and pragmatic Formula of modern biology and modern biological medicine, that is areas dealing with life and its safety, i.e. health. No wonder! Because it originates from the most transparent and at the same time most scientifically precise definition of life which made possible to formulate and the whole world of science agrees with.

This is that definition:

Life it is the one great adaptation process taking place in Time and Space (VIP in Russian language: Vremia I Prostranstwo), whereas aging and diseases are the price of the non-optimal i.e. false adaptation (piv-adaptation), which does not take into account the Time and Space Laws  (VIP Laws).

In that meaning maintenance and prophylactic of health, slowing the pace of aging, and the more relieving from already existing diseases require from man to tune (VIP TUNINGS) his adaptation to the Time and Space Laws that is the VIP ADAPTATION.

It should be added that the above principle-definition concerns not only the biological aspect of life but the life in general, because all aspects of life are subject to the VIP Laws and are in reciprocal resonance.

What is interesting, modern science proves that on the biological level the causal common denominator for the processes of aging, sickness etc., that is speaking in other words, the causal common denominator of the loss of adaptation abilities to life is the loss of stereo chemical asymmetry on the level of amino acids and other organic compounds (and subsequently tissues and organs). Life is the asymmetry, and the death is the symmetry – this is the essence of the SAS principle (Symmetry-Asymmetry) being the foundation of life!

Then let’s explain the SAS principle on the example of amino acids, the all albumins of every organism are built of, and the strategic role of which expresses the known phrase:  ” Life is the form of  albumin’s existence”.

Thus in healthy, young organism all amino acids are laevorotatory in their stereo chemical structure (L). However, during the passing of life, improper way of life, stress etc., some of them changes into dextrorotatory forms (D).  And when the number of L and D forms becomes equal (symmetry, raceme) then the death occurs – either of the organ (or the system) in which such symmetry occurs, or of the whole organism.

The disease is then a smaller or greater disturbance of the stereo chemical asymmetry within that organ or system, while the aging is the general and systematically developing loss of such symmetry, that is gradual approach to the symmetry.


Due to the importance of the SAS principle we will quote what Professor N. W. Makarov – one of the word leaders of researches of that subject – said about it:

”Thus it turns out that complex particles of albumins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins etc. important for life are built of asymmetric simple molecules. Asymmetry in this case means the ability to fulfill their physiological role and healthy state of the bio-system. Whereas when only whatever particles due to whatever reasons become symmetric, stable – and in the result of that not able to fulfill their physiological role – then such or other disease occurs.

Then in order to prevent the summarization i.e. the real cause of diseases, it is necessary to support the internal asymmetry with all possible means”.


The above unequivocally shows that the essence of true adaptation (VIP ADAPTATION), and at the same time the most objective criterion for selection of methods and means of true preventive treatment and true treatment of any diseases (including aging) is the ability to restraint and to slow down (and even better to reverse) this fatal process of summarization.

For scientific honesty one cannot forget to mention that Louise Pasteur understood very well – as for those times – the SAS Principle (although he did not call it that way), known to everybody as the father of modern microbiology. Whereas it is little spoken that he spent considerable part of his scientific life on searching for methods and conditions maintaining precisely the asymmetry of life. And although he did not found them however he understood the extraordinary role of that factor and marked important vector for science in the future. And he should be recognized that no less than for microbiological achievements which he in fact achieved because he understood the SAS Principle in microbiology.

What is important the SAS Principle concerns also the food products, which man nourishes himself, and which physiologically are assigned for sustaining life, and thus maintaining asymmetry! There is, however, the following rule. Fresh healthy food products are always asymmetrical, whereas synthetic and not fresh are always symmetrical. Whereas the characteristic feature of modern lifestyle is more and more limited access to natural and fresh food. The basis of nutrition of majority of the people is food artificially produced, and then chemically or physically processed, preserved and stored for a long time, what is synonymous with its stereo chemical summarization.

What effect does such nutrition have on the man? It is obvious! Unfortunately. Chances for natural, ecological, fresh and available food are smaller and smaller if not none!

What to do then?

Whether there is any alternative?

Luckily it exists! It is offered by so called.

Creation of them become possible due to including the Time dynamics in relation with the Space coordinates and due to that tat the basis of Time and Space physics is the principle of the resonance. This principle also secures the absence of any side effects from their side. Time Dynamics, of course, requires the necessity to follow it in creation of such Conditions – it seems also to be the answer why until now it was not possible to create them.

These Conditions are characterized, among others, by the ability to correct, maintain and amplify the diminishing stereo chemical asymmetry.

Those interested in this subject should read the joint lecture of Prof. N.W. Makarov and Dr. W.S. Rybicki titled” Life as a manifestation of the asymmetry and its pace in the Unique Picture of the World”. That lecture can be found in subsequent part of this brochure.

VIP RCPFTT can be used directly in relation to the man, animals, plants etc, in order to optimize their adaptation abilities, as well as indirectly, i.e. by  ”placing” in them (for precisely determined period of time) food products, water, etc. (or in other way: by creating VIP RCPFTT for such products).

In this way the food products become Measures-Carriers of the Resonance Conditions Propitious for Tuning to the Time and Space Laws, or stating it more simply the Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION.

Obviously, direct  ”placing” of food products in VIP RCPFTT is not very convenient. It is more convenient, and at the same time very effective to  ”place” in VIP RCPFTT those substances which are the basis of the natural method of preservation and preparation of food. They are: salt, sugar, soda, vinegar, olive oil, water, wine and other alcohols etc.

By ”placing” in VIP RCPFTT the molecules of the above mentioned substances are – similarly as micro antenna – tuned to the resonance with asymmetrizing forces of the Time and the Space. In that way these substances become the Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION, creating in food products to which they are added the resonance fields, acting (depending on the kind and designation of the product) in one of two main directions:

  1. either in the direction leading directly to stereo chemical asymmetrization of components of that food product, maintaining its freshness and vitality;
  2. or in the direction leading to such transformation of the food product, which assures its optimal assimilation and effortless asymmetrization of its components taking place already in the organism consuming that product. Such asymmetrization is effortless for the organism consuming that product, because it is done by Time and Space forces with which the components of the transformed product enter into resonance by means of (microantennaes) molecules of salt, sugar etc, tuned for that role. At the same time such resonance and the same forces maintain immunity of the product transformed in such a way to perishing.


Recapitulating the above the process of ”preservation” of the food product, taking place with the participation of the Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION is at the same time the process of preparation of that product to its optimal assimilation by the organism of its consumer.

Moreover, the fact that such food products are much more easily assimilated means that the organism of the consumer spends considerably less life energy for assimilation of them than it happens in case of consuming the same food products, which are without the Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION.

Food products containing the Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION are also much better used by the organisms of their consumers, what means considerable reduction of toxic alimentary ballast constantly remaining in organisms of modern people. As to the benefits for the health of consumers of such products it results from the fact, that one of the most important and not questioned causes of originating of majority of diseases is the toxemia.

All the above arguments – and in particular the ability to maintain stereo chemical asymmetry – entitle then to state, that consumption of food products containing Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION may not only support, but in fact condition the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of the majority of diseases.

Irrespective of pro-health features the Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION give food products to which they are added also other essential values. (Some of them have been described above).


  • they improve their organoleptic features (taste);
  • considerably extend their freshness;
  • considerably increase their ability for long storage together with maintaining (and even improvement with the lapse of time!) of their initial qualities;
  • allow to eliminate or considerably decrease the necessity to add to them the artificial preservatives.

All Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION are marked with registered international trademark VIP ADAPTATION®.


Due to multidirectional use of salt in the food industry and households there exist several kinds of SALTS VIP ADAPTATION® taking into consideration the specifics of these directions.

They are:

  • SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for preparation of various meats in restaurant and home conditions (MR&H);
  • SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for processing and preparation of fat meats (i.e. bacons etc.) (MF);
  • SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for processing and preparation of lean meats (i.e. hams, pork roasts etc.) (ML);
  • SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for processing and preparation of mixed meats (i.e. sausages etc.) (MM);
  • SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for processing and preparation of fish (F);
  • SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for processing and preparation of spawn (S);
  • SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for processing and preservation of vegetables  (V);
  • SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for production of bread  (B);
  • SALT VIP ADAPTATION® universal for needs of every kitchen and every table (U).



Implementation of some of mentioned directions is possible also with the use of pickle-salt VIP ADAPTATION®.



At present there are possible for implementation:


  • SUGAR VIP ADAPTATION® for production of confectionery (C);
  • SUGAR VIP ADAPTATION® for production of ice cream (IC);
  • SUGAR VIP ADAPTATION® for processing and preservation of fruits (F);
  • SUGAR VIP ADAPTATION® for production of fruit juices (FJ);
  • SUGAR VIP ADAPTATION® universal for needs of every kitchen and every table (U);
  • SUGAR VIP ADAPTATION® for optimization of adaptation abilities of bees and improvement of the quality of honey (Bs);



At present there are possible for implementation:


  • SODA VIP ADAPTATION® for production of confectionaries (C);
  • SODA VIP ADAPTATION® universal for needs of every kitchen and every table  (U);



At present there are possible for implementation:


  • VINEGAR VIP ADAPTATION® for processing and preservation of vegetables  (V);
  • VINEGAR VIP ADAPTATION® universal for needs of every kitchen and every table (U).



At the special order it is possible to prepare salt, sugar, soda, vinegar VIP ADAPTATION® for considerable narrower directions and implementations, than mentioned above.

And several general remarks concerning the Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION mentioned above:

Thus all of them quicker and more efficiently perform their organoleptic (taste) and preserving role than their traditional equivalents (traditional i.e. not  ”placed” in VIP RCPFTT). Thus it means that they are used in comparatively smaller quantities than their traditional equivalents and their users should pay attention in order not to put too much salt to much sugar etc.

For example, SUGAR VIP ADAPTATION® for production of fruit juices allows to keep the optimal sweetness of juices even after reduction of its content by approximately 50% in relation to the traditional sugar. At the same time that sugar, even in such small quantities considerably better fulfills its preservation (and also optimizing taste) role than the traditional sugar.

It is clear that the above feature of the Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION mentioned above just alone would constitute important pro-heath factor because – as it was proven – one of the most important causes of diseases tormenting modern humankind is the excessive use of traditional salt and sugar (and various types of preservatives).

However not that is most important. The most important is that that due to performing the role common for all Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION – that is due to ability to sustain and to enhance physiological asymmetry in the environment of their activity – the Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION mentioned above optimally both the quality of food prepared with the use of them, as well as its metabolism. Here particularly important is the optimization of metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, the violation of which is one of the main problems of the modern man. Whereas the infringement of that metabolism of the modern people as a whole is the objective fact, its causes are more complex than only the excessive use of sat, sugar etc.

Most generally speaking the causes for the violation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats have piv adaptation character However, its effects may be in considerable degree corrected with the use of salt, sugar, soda, vinegar VIP ADAPTATION® then the situation may be summed-up with the ancient adage ”Medicine  is within the center of disease”.

It is also worth to know that microbiological examinations of food products containing Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION® i.e. for fish, meat products, confectionary products etc. prove that in these products (with the lapse of time) develop these bacteria which are favorable for health (both the product and the man) while perish these which are not favorable for health. Whereas in analogical products containing traditional preservatives (salt, sugar, vinegar etc.) the reverse process is taking place.

All Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION mentioned above have the attribute of full ”compatibility”, what means that in the adequate combinations they may be used together.

On the other hand mixing them with traditional equivalents does not allow to obtain results and effects described above.

As a matter of fact, for these Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION a separate brochure titled “Water Olive Oil and Wine – the basis for the medicine of the future”. However, for the sake of order and taking into consideration their historic role they deserve the appropriate note also here.

And when speaking about history one should have in mine their role in the history of human civilization as well as in the scientific-medical history of the author of this publication.

Then it seems that as to the fact that in the biological base of life known to us is water nobody does not need to be convinced. However it should be added here (and maybe to convince some Readers) that in the base of the biological life   lies not just the water as such, but its particular feature consisting in the ability to remember, store and pass information.

And in particular for researching and practical use of that feature of water the author devoted considerable part of his scientific life.

And from the fact that human organism consists in 70-80 % of water results that the state of health may be viewed as the function of the energy-informative state of water of such organism.

Whereas “healthy state of water” (and in consequence of the whole organism) it is the state which is characterized by high degree of resonance with Time and Space (in the meaning of their higher vibrations – see the theory of super-cords and hyper-space). It results subsequently from that, that precisely water is (or rather should be) main receptor-antenna also for collection of these particular vibrations which sustain life and health.

Whereas earthly-minded, egoistic adaptation, that is piv adaptation, prevailing on the Earth is usually in the resonance contradiction with the Time and Space Laws (VIP Laws).

It should be, however, strongly stressed here, that domination of the piv adaptation vector in the earthy field is to great extent the result of, not to be blamed to the humankind, un-tuning of the Earth in relation to the Time and Space Laws (VIP Laws).

The Reader will find more information on these subjects in the book titled “VIP TUNING …”.

And how does water deal with it?

Thus water present in the earthly circulation – through projection of parameters of that un-tuning and through recording of piv adaptation vibrations dominating in the earthy field – is in the state of resonance un-tuning in relation to the life-giving Time and Space vibrations.

We know the result of such adaptation and the effects of using such water – symmetrizing, aging and diseases!

It clearly results from the above then that each water – even most clean – requires resonance correction.

One of the solutions – particularly in relation to drinkable water – is the use of WATER VIP ADAPTATION®. It is difficult however, particularly on the mass scale. Luckily for the improvement of the whole water absorbed by human organism more real solution is advised by certain important fact which – talking about water basis of the biology of life – cannot be omitted.

Namely: The basis of the biology of life on Earth is not just water, but the salt water!

Life came out of the sea – proves the biology.

Undoubtedly it was so, because “the memory” of that fact is contained even in that, that the mineral composition of human blood is the same as the mineral composition of the sea water, the dominant component of which is namely salt. Also the basic solution of the human (and not only human) organism, so called the physiological solution, it is a 0.9 % salt solution.

But whether they are just the evolutionary artifacts? Definitely no! That particular role of salt in the evolution and the biology of life is explained by modern physics proving as much that – besides water and silicon – also salt has enormous abilities to remember and store information. And in the environment of water solution that information is released and transferred. What is interesting – and at the same time understandable from the point of view of physics of crystals – transfer of information between salt and water is taking place not only in water solution of salt, but is taking place also –although at other level – in conditions of freezing of such solution. That feature may have great importance for storing fish, meat etc.

These facts further, even more emphasize the role of various kinds of SALT VIP ADAPTATION®, because thanks to it the resonance state of water and salt in the organism may be improved in great degree, and thus the state of health of the whole organism.

Of course this remark applies also to all food products to which water and salt are added.

Olive oil until not long ago was associated by inhabitants of our region of Europe with something exclusive and exotic. Nowadays however – probably due to it is generally available – it is treated as one of many vegetable oils. And it would be most probable further. if the author of this publication had not been for several years on emigration in Spain – the country of “olive oil and wine”.

That occasion allowed for a thorough examination of many kinds of olive oil and several hundreds of wine with the view of their usefulness for the role of Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION.

The results exceeded expectations.

It turned out that olive oil and wine are – beside water and salt – are simply the most predestined by Nature candidates to fulfill that role. And we know already that that role is designed by the ability to remember, store and transfer information. Alas! In like manner as in case of water and salt, traditional olive oil and wine present in un-tuned earthly field are usually in the state of resonance un-tuning in relation to life-giving Time and Space vibrations. The same applies however to all kinds of alcohol. Most probably ancient people were aware of that because consumption of olive oil and wine (and wine in particular) was accompanied with solemn ceremonies and toasts. What did they serve for? Undoubtedly they improved in certain degree their resonance state.

And nowadays? Nowadays it can be obtained much more precisely and certainly thanks to VIP RCPFTT.



Both alcohol and wine VIP ADAPTATION® (and water and other Measures-Carriers) may be present in the U – universal and D – directional forms.

Talking about U form one should have in mind such kind of resonance correction of the organism which is indispensable for each man and the lack or deficit of which is the beginning for appearing and the base for continuing of all human pathologies. It relates i.a. to common for all U forms ability to slow down symmetrization and up-keeping asymmetry. Therefore, U form may be useful both in preventive treatment and in releasing from all pathologies.

On the other hand, D – directional forms are assigned to preventive treatment and releasing from more specific kinds of pathologies. Which? See chapter “Special directions of therapeutic influence of Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION”.

For the sake of order, we have to add that OLIVE OIL VIP ADAPTATION® assigned for general culinary purposes (that is for the needs of every kitchen and every table) is marked as U (universal).

However, irrespective of the form, both OLIVE OIL VIP ADAPTATION® and WINE VIP ADAPTATION® (as well as all other Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION®) are characterized by much extended period of usability in comparison with their traditional equivalents. Whereas quickly takes features of old seasoned drink together with improvement of its organoleptic features. One can also drink much more of it than of traditional wine – without unpleasant effects typical for consumption of alcohol. It relates also to every alcohol VIP ADAPTATION®. And what is no less important consumption of alcohol VIP ADAPTATION® constitutes elimination and the alternative to alcoholism!

And one more important digression. It is true that every wine as well as every alcohol and every alcohol and every olive oil may be treated with resonance correction. However, the ancient knowledge and tradition consisting in the ability of selection, particularly of wine, most appropriate for the consumer should not be disregarded. Its features are influenced by literally everything – location of the vineyard, type of soil, quality of insulation, weather conditions, up to the human factor. Whereas the last one – in the meaning of energy-information influence of people participating in the whole chain of wine production – seems to be one of the most important!

That knowledge and these skills underlined the ancient wine-therapy and were at the base of even for Hippocrates in his therapeutic successes. Although that knowledge disappeared however thanks to understanding resonance principles it could be done much more precisely than the ancient people did it.  In other words, it means that the material (wine and other alcohols, olive oil etc.) designated  for resonance correction with the use of VIP RCPFTT is first carefully selected!

Coffee or tea? Tea or coffee?

How often we hear these words!

How often we are offered these drinks!

How often we offer them to others ourselves!

Although they are considered as so called condiments, i.e. substances causing certain kind of dependence. And undoubtedly that affiliation disrepute them in certain degree. On the other hand, however, these substances (drinks) are already permanent elements of culture and lifestyle of modern man. And it would be difficult not only talk, but even to think about the attempt to eliminate them from our life.

And on the other hand, whether there is such need? And undoubtedly, not coincidently we get used to them so much, nevertheless it is the matter of reciprocal resonance!

And although constantly provides to us still more and more contradicting information concerning the effects of their consumption. And undoubtedly it will continue further this way.

One way or the other, there is no doubt that these substances fulfill for all people using them the role of certain kind of adaptogens. “Certain kind” sounds, however, un-unequivocally. Since the future is VIP ADAPTATION and coffee and tea are the potential Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION. They become however the Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION only “after placing” them in VIP RCPFTT.

What are then the differences between COFFEE VIP ADAPTATION® and TEA VIP ADAPTATION® and their traditional equivalents?

There are too many to mention them. One has to taste them and evaluate them. Certainly however they can be counted on as pleasant and effective adaptogens!

Even more! That adaptation pleasure from drinking COFFEE VIP ADAPTATION® or TEA VIP ADAPTATION® may be increased yet even by simultaneous savoring sweets prepared on the basis of SUGAR VIP ADAPTATION® – C, as well as  of course by sweetening them with SUGAR VIP ADAPTATION® – U.


As one can see VIP ADAPTATION may and should be associated also with pleasure and satisfaction. And this is already the implementation of the ancient health adage “Happy heart is the best medicine” , confirmed by modern medicine.


What is interesting and at the same time obvious recent scientific researches prove that COFFEES VIP ADAPTATION® distinguish themselves by greater anti-oxidation activity than their traditional equivalents. And this is definitely the argument encouraging for drinking such coffee even by those who so far have been prejudiced to that drink.

  • * SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for feet bath (F)

    Its application seems to be simply a law for the purpose of recovering improving and maintaining health – and irrespective of the type of problems. This law results further from energy-information construction of the human organism. In this construction feet are the areas of “grouding” of the human organism and at the same time – due to the nature of walking – generators of difference of potentials indispensable for life. that is the asymmetry. Most probably mainly in order to maintain that asymmetry receptors of all organs are located in feet.

    The problem lies in that, that such adaptation mechanism may function properly only under condition of dynamic, systematic and direct contact of bare feet with healthy earth.

    However since contemporary man does not have this possibility – he gets sick (is symmetrizing himself). He does not have the possibility to return to the lifestyle from previous epochs.

    Luckily yet it is not necessary. Because solution is provided by measures and methods VIP ADAPTATION® being the result of use of intelligent VIP RCPFTT being in resonance with Time and Space vibrations maintaining life (that is asymmetrizing).

    Since salt is in a sense “the essence” of Earth – is particularly saturated with its vibrations – the problem concerned is effectively solved by SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for feet bath (F).


    It usually exists in the universal (S-U) form. Directional (S-D) forms are also possible.

    But why the common salt does not suffice?

    This is mainly because Earth is a planet un-tuned in relation to the VIP Laws and common salt contains also vibrations of such un-tuning.

    Taking such bath in evening before going to sleep is recommended for all people A handful of salt for few liters of water is enough. Duration of such bath should be regulated intuitively, usually 20-30 minutes. It is important to pay attention not to cool feet. It is possible to add hot water during bath.

    Feet after bath should be washed carefully and to pour out salt water and to rinse the container – these are conditions of energetic safety and hygiene of work!

    In case of serious problems with health feet bath should be taken several times a day. There is no threat of overdosing although some compensation reactions may occur. However, compensation does not mean the same as side-effect!

    One should survive them. In case of intensive reactions, the number of baths should be reduced or one can even take a break.


    * SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for body bath (BB)


    Bath in salt solution is a “remembrance” of the essence and beginnings of biological life on our – yet not un-tuned – Planet.

    Life comes out of the sea!

    Memory of that fact – as we know it from deliberations on the subject of water – is in our blood, the mineral composition of which is the same as of salt water.

    Therefore, a bath in such sea salt solution – in which thanks to VIP RCPFTT un-tuning was corrected – is a multidimensional experience.

    It is exceptionally pro-health procedure inking man with mother ocean of life – it is the amplification of our resonance with the matrix of life!

    At the same time, it is a bath exceptionally cleaning our energetic field and – as all Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION®) – maintaining asymmetry of molecules of our organism.

    Such bath thus creates conditions particularly favorable for curing.

    That salt may exist both in the universal (BB-U) form and in the directional (BB-D) forms.

    For one bath usually between one and two kilograms of salt is used.

    Duration of bath should be determined intuitively. Usually between 0.5 and 2 hours.




    From therapeutic point of view using SODA VIP ADAPTATION® seems to be almost a necessity. And it applies in relation to almost all nutrition problems It in turn results from that, that common background for developing and continuation of majority of known diseases – starting from allergies, through sclerosis, diabetes, joints disease up to aging and cancer – is the acidification of the organism.

    When excess of acids cannot be discharged or neutralized, organs and tissues are damaged.

    Whereas in our organism there is no organ, which could not be damaged by excess of acids – and either directly or indirectly. For example, bones and joints, from which in conditions of acidification important for them alkaline calcium is removed in order to neutralize at least partially the acidification of blood. Therefore, the Ph of blood is stable – but therefore there is a large-scale osteoporosis, etc.

    Whereas widespread and prevalent until these days, nutrition modes result in consumption of still greater quantity of acidifying fare, although great importance of the acid-alkaline balance has been known for at least a century.

    This is how yet then the consequences of, the so called, acid metabolism (i.e. taking place in conditions of acidification) were described:

    – high blood pressure (hypertension)

    – high level of sugar

    – severe inflammations

    – narrowing of blood vessels

    – precipitated metabolism

    – quick tiredness

    – frequent depressions etc.

    Contrary to that, the so called, alkaline metabolism (i.e. taking place in more alkaline conditions) is characterized by:

    – normal  blood pressure

    – normal level of sugar

    – absence of inflammations

    – strong endurance for tiredness

    – good humor etc.

    Summing-up the above characteristics in modern physiology language, acidification activates sympathetic nervous system – “favorable” for wearing the organism, and reasonable alkalinity activates sympathetic nervous system – favorable for regeneration.

    On the basis of the above characteristics it is not hard to find that the majority of diseases known to us is accompanied (but also earlier used to) by the acidic metabolism which unequivocally is the evidence of chronical acidification.

    It is also not hard to recon – although many sick persons will have problem to believe – that many unsuccessfully treated disease may be mitigated or cured “just” by effective deacidification.

    However, in order to do that one first should realize (and to permanently keep this consciousness), what are the basic causes of acidification.

    Here they are:

    • excess consumption of animal proteins
    • insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits
    • excess of refined carbohydrates (white flour and sugar) in food
    • improper mixing of products – particularly of proteins with starch
    • consumption of highly processed products
    • consumption of condiments – coffee, strong tea, alcohol, smoking cigarettes
    • stress, quick pace of living
    • undergoing slimming therapies
    • excess use of synthetic medicaments
    • constipations
    • lack of, or excessive physical activity
    • drinking too little water


    Realization of these causes and introduction of indispensable corrections and changes in a way of nutrition – constitutes the first and the most important step on the way to recovering and maintaining health. Without deacidification of the organism no disease can be cured!!!

                Problem consists in that that it is difficult to maintain right proportions between acid-forming and alkaligeneous food consumed. Right proportions are:

    10 -20 % of acid-forming

    80 – 90 % of alkaligeneous!

    On top of all of that there is also an “acid-forming” stress!

    And preparation of meals on the basis of such Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION®, like salt, sugar, vinegar VIP ADAPTATION® reduces a little their acid-forming influence. However, that is not their main purpose!

    Their purpose is asymmetrization and accelerated symmetrization is the effect of acidification.

    It is true that in conditions of chronical acidification consumption of food containing Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION® permits to minimalize damages caused by acidification. It is a pity to waste their potential only for the purpose to survive in the environment of total acidification! Even more because there is a Measure-Carrier of the VIP ADAPTATION® prepared by the nature itself to work in this difficult field which is maintaining acidic-alkaline balance in the environment of modern civilization.

    It is SODA VIP ADAPTATION®, that is, hydrocarbon of soda, which by “placing” in VIP RCPFTT became asymmetric and near to that, which is physiologically produced by stomach facing cells. Wow! They produce it by 2.5 times more than salt acid.  Asymmetric hydrocarbon of soda produced by these cells acts in the organism in two directions – neutralizes acidic stomach content, permitting further digestion of food in intestines, and – being distributed by blood  – takes care about order in the whole organism, by eliminating acids from connective tissue. Thus asymmetric hydrocarbon of soda acts in the organism as alkaline stream (or alkaline wave). It cleans “dump” filled with acids located mainly in connective tissue and dilutes acid dirt from the organism.

    However, how the life shows – by the fact of the existence of many diseases originating on the base of chronical acidification – stomach facing cells are not able to produce such quantity of asymmetric hydrocarbon of soda, which could neutralize that acidification. This is not strange. Human organism appeared on Earth in different climatic and astrophysical environment and its alimentary channel was designated (and everything indicates that it still is) to digest mainly plant – and by nature more alkaline – food than it is nowadays. The solution is total change in nutrition or providing asymmetric hydrocarbon of soda in sufficient quantities form outside. And even better one and the other!


    In FORMUA VIP ADAPTATION® asymmetric hydrocarbon of soda is used in several variants taking into consideration their specifics: And namely:


    * SODA VIP ADAPTATION® for internal use (I)


    How to use that soda? Adequately to the degree of acidification.  From one to several tea-spoons per day – a tea-spoon for a glass of well warm water (40 0 C).

    It is best to use soda approximately half an hour before eating and (or) 2-3 hours after eating. Whereas, soda should be drunk “at one gulp” , so it goes quicker through the stomach. There is no danger of overdosing in the stated quantities – typical nowadays organism has sufficiently great “resources” of acids capable to neutralize eventual excess of alkali.


    * SODA VIP ADAPTATION® for feet bath (F)


    Soda is used analogically and for the same reasons as SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for feet bath.

    Therefore it is very advisable to use these baths alternately.


    * SODA VIP ADAPTATION® for body bath (BB)


    In case of chronical acidification it is highly recommended to use bath of the whole body in water with addition of that variant of SODA VIP ADAPTATION®. It is used app. 0.5-1 kg per bathtub of water. Duration of bath from 0.5 hour to 1.5 hours. Frequency and number of baths depends, of course, on the degree of acidification.

    However,  irrespective of reduction of acidification a bath of the whole body with addition of that variant of SODA VIP ADAPTATION® has also other meaning.

    Thus,  similarly as SALT VIP ADAPTATION® for body bath – and at the same time differently – it cleans human energetic field.

    Therefore, it is advisable to use these baths alternately.

    * SODA VIP ADAPTATION® for doing enemas (BB)


    In case of many serious health problems, this variant is highly recommended for use.

    Usually app. 1-3 fat spoons of soda per ½ l of lukewarm or slightly warm water are used. Duration of treatment – individual. Frequency and number of treatments – individual.

    Of course, that the sense of application of any variants of SODA VIP ADAPTATION® is not limited only to restitution of acidic-alkaline balance. Although even only that has tremendous significance for health. All variants of SODA VIP ADAPTATION® – similarly as all Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION® – support also the internal asymmetry of the organism. And those, which are applied externally, act in part similarly as asymmetric or asymmetrizing cosmetics and hygienic products (See chapter titled COSMETOLOGY VIP ADAPTATION®.

    Every Measure-Carrier of the VIP ADAPTATION® has its own unique specifics and therefore all of them in their actions supplement rather than substitute one another.

It is quite obvious that in the period of existence of man on Earth climatic and environmental conditions on our planet have changed considerably many times. It is also obvious that such changes have considerable influence particularly on the manner of human nutrition, dependent precisely on climatic and environmental conditions. How the adaptation abilities of human organism, as a highly organized system, kept pace with such changes? To what extent in particular our alimentary canal has adopted to such forced changes of the manner of nutrition?

There is no simple answer to these questions. It is certain, however, that such adaptation took place at the cost of considerable shortening of span of human life. It is confirmed not only by many archeological and biblical sources, from which results that in far past man lived even up to several hundreds of years.

Whether was it VIP ADAPTATION and VIP EVOLUTION or rather piv adaptation and piv evolution? Rather not one nor the other, or both one and the other, but with considerable prevalence of that second variant.

However, whether it must be that way further?

The question is even more timelier  as  the growing number of diseases and the lifestyle of modern men (including also the manner of nutrition) show that they are not friendly neither for life nor health. Not only that! In spite of undoubtedly long history of humankind and many forced changes in the manner of nutrition, our alimentary channel still signals (in the form of many diseases) its constructional assignment for acceptance of food positively of vegetable origin, and thus more alkaline and voluminous than the one dominating nowadays.

What to do then? Whether we are helpless and destined to eliminating piv adaptation and piv evolution?

It looks that no! VIP ADAPTATION and VIP EVOLUTION are harmonic synthesis of biology and intelligent technologies respecting VIP Laws.

Such synthesis is implemented by Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION®. Thanks to them adaptation possibilities of our organism can be considerably increased – including to this environment and to this food which we actually have – and just by the way to improve our health and even to lengthen really spam of life. This whole brochure talks more or less expressly about it. However, since FORMULA VIP ADAPTATION® is a very pragmatic formula, and therefore it offers another peaceful alternative to mitigate or even to eliminate conflict between construction of the alimentary channel and nowadays food. We have mentioned already before, that our alimentary channel requires for healthy functioning – both of itself and of the whole organism – a physiological filling with the vegetable ballast which is so short of in nowadays food.

Our researches and practice show that this role can be perfectly fulfilled by CELULLOSE VIP ADAPTATION®.

The modern science   reached the similar results, and it proposes the so called  vital cellulose in the form of seeds of two plants very reach in valent cellulose, i.e. redstart plantain ((Plantago psyllium L.)   and oval plantain (Plantago orbignyana Steinh. ex Decne). Whereas CELULLOSE VIP ADAPTATION® is the seeds of one of these two plants – redstart plantain – which were paced for appropriate period of time in RCPFTT VIP.

Due to so great conformability we do not have to inform Readers about all features and virtues of these seeds, because a lot of information about them is publicly available.

Thus it is enough to mention most important of them.

Here they are:

  • cleaning intestines from undigested food toxins etc.
  • effective slimming due to reduction of appetite and quickening of metabolism
  • regulation of the level of sugar in blood
  • regulation of the blood pressure
  • regulation of the bacterial flora in intestines
  • remission or elimination of the gastric ulcer of stomach and duodenum and other inflammatory diseases of the alimentary channel
  • elimination of constipations etc.


CELULLOSE VIP ADAPTATION® has also – apart of these mentioned above – the following features:

– increased energetic protection of the consumer

– improves the quality and metabolism of consumed food by refreshing asymmetrization of its components

– cures or supports treatment of heart diseases by energetic relation of heart with intestines (the pair principle)

– reduces or eliminates epileptic states

– reduces diabetes complications

– reduces paralysis after hemorrhage

– reduces hemorrhagic imminences

– cures or supports osteoporosis treatment

– reduces chronical tiredness

– reduces stress



Put 1-3 tea-spoons to the glass. Infuse with lukewarm water and mix. Wait 5-10 min. until seeds bulge and cover themselves with mucus. Mix it again and drink



After every use of cellulose, for better effect one should drink another glass of water. Besides, one way or the other, when using cellulose one should drink more water – app. 2 liters per day.

Use 1-3 times a day 15-30 min before meal.

It is obvious that looking for candidates fulfilling the role of Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION we could not pay attention to the plant having specific adaptation abilities that is Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus),  .

And life – as results from known definition – it is one great adaptation process…

What are these specific adaptation abilities of Jerusalem artichoke?

            Here are at least some of them. And thus:

  • Should Jerusalem artichoke grow near nuclear power plant in Chernobyl during known break-down, it could be safely consumed – because it has such enormous abilities to eject radionucleoids, heavy metals and other toxic compounds. (Such opinion was given to Jerusalem artichoke by the group of Russian scientists examining that plant for many years).
  • It has enormous expansion capability – practically it cannot be eliminated.
  • It is not subject to any diseases typical for plants.
  • It stands (survives in the soil) frosts down to 500C.
  • It is a favorite delicacy of wild animals – they prefer it over anything else!


Whether it is not surprising? Although its healing abilities are more often examined by the official science – they are examined with the use of “glass and eye” method. And great honor to such researches and their examinations! Thanks to them it is known at least, that Jerusalem artichoke – both over-ground portion as well as underground one – have unique biochemical and mineral composition, which only partially justifies enormous adaptation capabilities of that plant.

How then to “transfer” Jerusalem artichoke’s adaptation abilities to human adaptation abilities, while even normal consumption of Jerusalem artichoke gives relatively good results in treating only certain diseases? That is definitely too little in relation to its adaptation potential!

And therefore our experiences of many years both with the cultivation as well as pro-health use of Jerusalem artichoke prove that enormous adaptation capabilities of that plant must be appropriately directed for the purpose of human needs. Otherwise it is simply dispersed!

Such direction is done in two main ways described below.

Edible for man part, that is to say, of Jerusalem artichoke’s bulbs collected at the proper (!) time is fermented in the RCPFTT VIP field. Whereas the parameters of modulation of that field determine the direction of further pro-health effect of such fermented Jerusalem artichoke.


U (universal) form – directed in its activity to enhancing asymmetry, indispensable for healing of every type of pathologies


D (directional) forms – directed for supporting organism in dealing with particular types of human pathology.

What directions? See chapter titled “Special directions of therapeutical activity of  Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION”.

Why namely the adaptation?

Well, such solution is prompted by Jericho artichoke’s nature itself, rich in specific probiotic – inulin! While it i.a. is a nourishment for these intestinal bacteria, which are indispensable for functioning of the whole organism. Because they produce enzymes tearing-off inulin bonds, which while fermenting disintegrates into simpler forms of sugar, being perfect nourishment for them etc. etc.

It is considered that up to 40% of inulin mass is converted into bacteria bio-mass, other 40% is converted by these bacteria into short-chain fat acids, which i.a. protect and stabilize large intestine cell-walls. In that way they stabilize the immune system of the human organism, the elements of which in great degree – even up to 80% – are located just in the intestines.

The remaining 20% of inulin is converted into right-sided lactic acid, limiting growing i.a. of putrefactive bacteria and yeasts.

Of course, that during the process of fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke taking place in the RCPFTT VIP field much more is happening than we said above, because apart of inulin it contains great quantities of other active substances.


There, for example organic silicon having exceptional capability to “record” and transfer information. Therefore it is not strange, that energy-information matrix of every live organism – from plants to man – is based on silicon. In this case it concerns the transfer to the human organism of the Jerusalem artichoke’s features  “recorded” on its silicon, adapted for the needs of human organism by additional “recording” on the same silicon of characteristics of the field created by the RCPFTT VIP for the process of universal (U) or directional (D) transformation taking place during fermentation.

We cannot omit here, that atoms of such silicon will simultaneously act as micro-antennas tuned to receipt Time and Space vibrations sustaining life (that is asymmetrizig), and further will transfer such vibrations to their environment. These are just only some of possible explanations of Jerusalem artichoke’s VIP ADAPTATION® features.

It is worth adding, that all forms of fermented Jerusalem artichoke not only maintain capability to eject heavy metals and radio-nuclides from the organism consuming it, but they strengthen it yet!

The directions and methods of pro-health use of over ground portion of Jericho artichoke harvested at the right (!) time and dried in special conditions are no less interesting.

Thus after enriching it by adding other “energetic” plants from such plant mix some kind of mats are produced, which further are tuned in VIP RCPFTT field, according to their final use.

By “placing” mats for the proper time in VIP RCPFTT they became JERUSAEM ARTICHOKE-ENERGY-MATS (JAEM) VIP ADAPTATION®, that is some kind of “antennas” (however then more macro- than micro-) tuned for reception and further transfer of such Time and Space vibrations which maintain life – that is maintain asymmetry. It is possible due to specific structure of Jericho artichoke fibers and due to specific components and plant supplements mentioned above. Again it relates to organic silicon we talked about in the context of Jericho artichoke fermentation.

As opposed to directions of pro-health fermentation of Jericho artichoke bulbs, the directions of tuning – with the use of VIP RCPFTT – energy-mats from over ground portion of that plant are determined by the place (area) of their contact with the human body, and more precisely by the place of planned placing them in the man’s energetic field.

To certain extent the pro-health effect of JERUSAEM ARTICHOKE-ENERGY-MATS (JAEM) VIP ADAPTATION® is analogical to the effect of COSMETICS VIP ADAPTATION®. One and the other act directly to the skin asymmetrizing molecules constructing it and indirectly – by sending asymmetrizing impulses to organs energy-information connected with that area of skin.

The difference in relation to COSMETICS VIP ADAPTATION® consists in that, that the field of vibration created by JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® is bigger and reaching deeper than the effect of cosmetics.

Generally speaking, their effects supplement and support each other, and not substitute each other.

And here are the kinds of JERUSAEM ARTICHOKE-ENERGY-MATS (JAEM) VIP ADAPTATION® and their main pro-health features and most important kinds of pathologies in curing of which JAEM will be particularly useful:

  • useful in curing every pathology
  • rejuvenating
  • anti-cancer
  • anti-parasite
  • anti-radiation
  • cures chronic tiredness
  • strengthen energetic protection
  • diabetes
  • prostate illnesses and their consequences
  • heart and circulatory system diseases
  • Alzheimer disease



  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – vertebrae
  • useful in curing every pathology
  • strengthen energetic protection
  • anti-sclerosis
  • asthma bronchitis
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • osteoporosis


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for feet
  • useful in curing every pathology
  • rejuvenating
  • anti-hemorrhagic
  • slimming
  • Alzheimer disease
  • respiratory system diseases
  • heart and circulatory system diseases
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – head (without face)
  • cures chronic tiredness
  • rejuvenating
  • anti-cancer
  • slimming
  • anti-parasite
  • anti-radiation
  • anti-infection
  • anti-hemorrhagic
  • anti-hemorrhagic
  • respiratory system diseases


  • improves eyesight
  • anti-cancer
  • rejuvenating
  • strengthen energetic protection
  • asthma bronchitis
  • alimentary system diseases


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – head + face
  • rejuvenating
  • improving eyesight
  • anti-hemorrhage
  • anti-infarct
  • anti-epileptic
  • anti-infection
  • heart and circulatory system diseases
  • osteoporosis
  • useful in curing every pathology


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – forehead
  • improves eyesight
  • removes energetic blocks in spine
  • strengthen energetic protection
  • rejuvenating
  • women reproductive system diseases


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – around head
  • strengthen energetic protection
  • removes energetic blocks in spine
  • regulates hormonal system
  • regulates blood pressure
  • slimming
  • anti-parasite
  • heart and circulatory system diseases


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)
  • cures chronic tiredness
  • rejuvenating
  • anti-infarct
  • improves concentration
  • heart and circulatory system diseases
  • diabetes complications
  • brain paralysis (i.e. after brain hemorrhage)
  • Alzheimer disease
  • alimentary system diseases


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right leg (joint)
  • rejuvenating
  • anti-rheumatic
  • anti-epilepsy
  • strengthen energetic protection
  • improves memory
  • women reproductive system diseases


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left hand (joint)
  • useful in curing every pathology
  • anti-parasite
  • anti-fungus (blood fungus)
  • rejuvenating
  • strengthen energetic protection
  • alimentary system diseases
  • osteoporosis
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right hand (joint)
  • rejuvenating
  • slimming
  • anti-stress
  • strengthen energetic protection
  • regulates blood pressure
  • heart and circulatory system diseases
  • respiratory system diseases
  • tooth problems
  • diabetes complications


  • useful in curing every pathology
  • improves memory
  • regulates blood pressure
  • anti-radiation
  • anti-cancer
  • heart and circulatory system diseases
  • degenerative joints disease
  • kidney diseases
  • women and men reproductive system diseases


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – torso + shoulders + back
  • anti-fungus (blood fungus
  • cleansing
  • anti-pathogenic
  • anti-epileptic
  • regulating hormonal system
  • rejuvenating
  • cures chronic tiredness
  • anti-cancer
  • anti-infection


  • cleansing
  • slimming
  • anti-cancer
  • anti-epileptic
  • anti-infarct
  • improving eyesight
  • useful in curing every pathology


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – stomach
  • rejuvenating
  • improves memory
  • anti-depression
  • slimming
  • useful in curing every pathology
  • alimentary system diseases
  • heart and circulatory system diseases
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • asthma bronchitis


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for sitting
  • anti-parasite
  • anti-rheumatic
  • anti-stress
  • cleansing
  • anti-pathogenic
  • strengthen energetic protection
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • diabetes complications
  • asthma bronchitis
  • heart and circulatory system diseases
  • useful in curing every pathology


  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – mattress for sleeping
  • rejuvenating
  • anti-cancer
  • anti-hemorrhage
  • anti-rheumatic
  • cures chronic tiredness
  • regulates blood pressure
  • regulates hormonal system
  • useful in curing every pathology
  • prostate illnesses
  • degenerative joints disease
  • kidney diseases
  • heart and circulatory system diseases


And here are main kinds of human pathology and kinds of JERUSAEM ARTICHOKE-ENERGY-MATS (JAEM) VIP ADAPTATION® most helpful in solving them:

The most effective is to apply several JAEM (at least two) – simultaneously or alternately.

            Let’s start with most universal JAEM VIP ADAPTATION®, i.e. these which will be helpful in preventive treatment and solving of every type of man’s pathology.

            They are:


* JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)




In preventive treatment and solving oncologic problems:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – mattress for sleeping
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – face + neck

JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left hand + left leg (joints)


In preventive treatment of aging and for really healthy jouvenation:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – neck + spine
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – head + face


For optimization of weight and form of the body (including for healthy slimming):

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left hand + left leg (joints)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – stomach
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – mattress for sleeping


For preventive treatment and curing of diabetes and its effects:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left hand + left leg (joints)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – stomach
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – mattress for sleeping


For preventive treatment and curing of sclerosis, circulatory system diseases, coronary disease, heart diseases, hypertension:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – torso + shoulders + back
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – stomach
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right hand + right leg (joints)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left hand + right leg (joints)


For preventive treatment and curing of Alzheimer disease and other old age diseases:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – torso + shoulders + back
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for feet
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – “gloves”
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right hand (joint)


For preventive treatment and curing of chronic tiredness:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right hand + left leg (joints)


For fast regeneration and elimination of tiredness:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – stomach
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – torso + shoulders + back
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right hand + left leg (joints)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – neck + spine


For increasing endurance for effort and tiredness:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for sitting
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for feet


For optimization of comfort of a driver:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left hand (joint)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – around head


For preventive treatment and curing of depression:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – forehead
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right leg (joint)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right hand + right leg (joints)


For preventive treatment and curing of multiple sclerosis (MS):

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – forehead


For preventive treatment and curing of alimentary diseases:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – mattress for slipping
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – hands + legs (joints)


For preventive treatment and curing of liver diseases:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right hand + left hand (joints)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for feet
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)


For regulation of hormonal system:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – torso + shoulders + back
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – mattress for slipping
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for feet


For preventive treatment and curing of brain strokes and their effects:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – torso + shoulders + back
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for sitting


For preventive treatment and curing of women reproductive system diseases:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right leg (joint)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left hand + left leg (joints)


For preventive treatment and curing of men reproductive  system diseases:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – torso + shoulders + back
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – “shoes”
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – hands (joints)


For preventive treatment and curing of allergies:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – stomach
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – forehead
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – right hand + right leg (joints)


For preventive treatment and curing of joints diseases:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – hands + legs (joints)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for feet


For preventive treatment and curing of infections:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for sitting
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint)


For preventive treatment and curing of eye diseases and eyesight problems:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – hands + legs (joints)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for sitting


For preventive treatment and correction of teething:



For preventive treatment and curing of kidney diseases:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – torso + shoulders + back


For preventive treatment and curing of epilepsy (EPI):



For preventive treatment and curing of osteoporosis:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – “crotch”
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – “ear-protector”
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – forehead


For curing of psoriasis:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left hand + left hand (joints)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – stomach


For energetic protection of man:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – hands (joints)
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – “shoes”
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – hands + legs (joints)


For protection against negative effects of use of cellular phones and computers:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – for feet



The method of use of JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® is described by the following principle: 2 days of application of JAEM and 2 days of break in using them. The maximum period of time of their work on the day of their application should not exceed 13-14 hours. Generally speaking method and period of time of JAEM application should be determined on the intuitive basis. This principle is established in order to make persons applying JAEM aware that there should be breaks in their use however.

And few more important notes. From the point of view of energetic safety each JAEM should be used only and exclusively by one user! And taking into consideration the plant fibers structure, each of JAEMs is built of, they should be protected against dampness (including perspiration)!

Only casing protecting each JAEM may (and should) be washed.

The period of time of application, i.e. period of time of JAEM energetic activity is one year from the time of commencement of its use.

As it has been stated at the beginning of this publication health problems of the man are – generally and simply speaking – the effects of non-optimal adaptation i.e. piv-adaptation (local, earthly-minded) not taking into consideration in due degree the VIP Laws (the Time and Space Laws). Therefore, their positive solution requires tuning oneself adaptation to the VIP Laws – that is to say VIP ADAPTATION.

It is clear that VIP Laws have – from the man’s point of view – decidedly spiritual character and VIP ADAPTATION consists to the great degree on respecting them just on the spiritual level. Man is, however, a creature, the spirituality of whom has – in evolutionary process inspired from higher levels of Time and Space – still more expressive biological imperative, i.e. that spiritual problems are signaled in the form of biological, bodily. that is morbid. problems.

To these spiritual-biological correlations is dedicated book titled “VIP TUNING, VIP ADAPTATION, VIP EVOLUTION and BIOLOGICAL- SPIRITUAL KEY-MODEL OF THE MAN”. In connection with that what was stated above all people – not only sick ones – should regard this knowledge seriously!

On the other hand, and in connection with that that Earth is the planet un-tuned in relation to the VIP Laws man’s suffering is not always just and fair – therefore too often it seems to be exaggerated and inadequate in relation to possible guilt. Therefore, that fact and the suffering itself cause subsequently that it is hard for sick people to recognize themselves objectively in spiritual problems underlying their diseases.

In this context the existence of Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION may – due to the possibility to slow-down the pace of “punishing” symmetrization – give for sick people time and strength to understand and solve their spiritual problems, and thus to increase their chances to heal themselves totally.

That becomes even more real, because on the basis of experience of many years it became possible to prepare Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION, taking into consideration not only the symmetrization common for all pathologies, but also the peculiarity of the most important directions of human pathology.

Here are already possible for implementation directions of therapeutic of influence of Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION, or rather interaction, because the sick person should cooperate with them on the spiritual level. Because the final clinical effect depends mainly on such spiritual cooperation.

Attention should be paid to that, that sometimes we use interchangeably terms VIP TUNING and VIP ADAPTATION This is nothing strange! Because we are talking about tuning (VIP TUNING) of our adaptation, that is VIP ADAPTATION. And one more remark. In the below specification of possible directions, we do not name substances used for the role of Measures-Carriers for implementation of these directions. It results from that that depending on time and place (time and space in their traditional understanding) various substances in various degree are appropriate for fulfilling that role. Therefore, the substances most suitable for implementation of particular directions are selected by measuring reciprocal resonances, including the time-limit of the resonance compatibility.



The Resonance Compatibility Time-Limit (RCT-L) it is not the same as the time-limit for consumption. That is a time-limit until when a measure concerned will fulfill its role of the Measure-Carrier of the universal (U) or directional (D) VIP ADAPTATION. After lapse of that time-limit that measure usually is for long time fit for consumption, but mainly in accordance with its original designation.


These are Directions of the VIP ADAPTATION (VIP TUNING), selected on the basis of experience of many years:


D1       VIP ADAPTATION® for stopping of development and elimination of cancer states and impedances;

D2       VIP ADAPTATION® for maintaining of psycho-emotional balance and improving adaptation abilities under  situational stress;

D3       VIP ADAPTATION® for elimination of depressions and depression states;

D4       VIP ADAPTATION® for improving energetic capabilities of the organism and elimination of permanent tiredness;

D5       VIP ADAPTATION® for improving brain and nervous system state and functions;

D6       VIP ADAPTATION® for improving heart and circulatory system state and functions;

D7       VIP ADAPTATION® for improving kidney and urinary system state and functions;

D8       VIP ADAPTATION® for improving respiratory system state and functions;

D9       VIP ADAPTATION® for improving alimentary system state and functions;

D10     VIP ADAPTATION® for improving homogeneous and lymphatic system state and functions;

D11     VIP ADAPTATION® for improving homogeneous and lymphatic system state and functions;

D12     VIP ADAPTATION® for optimal coordination of women hormonal system and improvement of the state and functions of their urinary-genital system;

D13     VIP ADAPTATION® for optimal coordination of men hormonal system and improvement of the state and functions of their urinary-genital system;

D14     VIP ADAPTATION® for improving functions of counter poisoning and regeneration of the organism;

D15     VIP ADAPTATION® for stopping the process of aging and stimulation of revitalization and rejuvenation processes;

D16     VIP ADAPTATION® for stopping the development of diabetes and reduction of consequences accompanying it;

D17     VIP ADAPTATION® for reduction and elimination of allergies;

D18     VIP ADAPTATION® for quick and optimal freeing from cod-infection states;

D19     VIP ADAPTATION® for optimization of weight and reaching optimal form of the body;

D20     VIP ADAPTATION® for optimization of adaptation in conditions of increased radiation;

It is clear that SAS principle relates not only to food products, but also to cosmetics, personal hygiene products, products for massage etc. The basis of all problems with skin and in the areas close to it (joints, muscles, glands etc.) – starting from the diseases affecting them through aging – is the stereo-chemical symmetrization of molecules building them. It is also obvious, that problems with skin and in areas close to it cannot be seen only and exclusively at their level. Because usually they are reflection of problems of entire system. However, on the other hand that energy-information relation gives the possibility of return (feed-back, i.e. healing and rejuvenating, effect of asymmetric or asymmetrizing cosmetics, personal hygiene products and products for massage on the state of health of the whole organism. That effect then is reflected in the state and look of skin, by increasing the effect obtained from their direct influence on skin.

It relates of course to cosmetics, personal hygiene products and products for massage available under the trademark VIP ADAPTATION® and prepared with the use of the Resonance Conditions Propitious for Tuning to the Time and Space Laws (VIP RCPFTT).

However, that is far not all! Because there is certain group of arguments, from which it results, that cosmetics, personal hygiene products and products for massage VIP ADAPTATION® are the particular Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION, the use of which cannot be substituted by anything else.

Here are some of these arguments:

So from the researches of the author of this publication results that structure of the anatomy of man mirrors the structure of Time and Space (VIP). And that means that these structures remain – or rather should remain – in relations of reciprocal resonance. Then in that resonance context, and at the same time cosmic context, such elements of structure of the anatomy of man, as skin together with its supplements (hair, nails, skin glands) and hypodermic tissue, muscles (together with tendons) and joints (together with bones) fulfill much wider roles than it results from traditional understanding of anatomy and physiology.

Thus, skin is not just the coat marking body limits, but also active coat, on which the whole Universe is projected (it was proven also by Giuseppe Calligaris), and at the same time a coat intermediary in relations between the Universe and internal structures of the body, i.e. organs – and even more, in both directions! From that comes the name of skin accepted by science – joint coat – and it gains new and much wider meaning and justification than it was intended by authors of that term.

However, in this way there appears a factor, which is not taken into consideration neither by modern anatomy and physiology nor modern cosmetology.

We should not forget that most important vibrations maintaining human life and health – that is vibrations sustaining internal asymmetry of our organism – come from higher levels of Time and Space. (Of course. levels understood in the category of vibrations. and not of the distance).

On their  way to our inside, these vibration must earlier go through the barrier of skin and hypodermic tissue. Then, in this context, the role of skin becomes greater and responsibility for measures and methods of affecting it (as well as through it) is growing also!

Because, however, the SAS principle underlies the base of life and relevant asymmetry at the level of molecules building skin is the condition of its ability to fulfill its physiological (including also cosmic) role, then therefore the conclusion is that common criteria for selection of measures and methods of affecting on skin (as well as through skin) should be the ability to direct or indirect assistance of asymmetry. Observation of that criteria is at the same time the universal recipe for maintaining of healthy and long young skin, as well as healthy and long young organism.

What is interesting in philosophical metaphor we are talking about skin which long keeps young look that time is not affecting it. We talk in the same way about a man who long keeps young look. But whether it is just a metaphor? No! It is a potential reality. Because tuning to Time and Space Laws (and Time is the truth of Space) means to certain degree the defeat of Time! And if so, it should manifest itself also at the level both of physiology and of look.

And it is not the end!

We should not forget that skin constitutes also the protective barrier against negative effects of the outside environment on our organism. However, it concerns not only climatic, micro-biological, toxic etc. factors, but also negative vibrations and influence from the side of other people. Healthy skin should then filter neutralize or positively transform them (both one and the other). Healthy – let us remind – means sufficiently asymmetrical.

Therefore, cosmetics and personal hygiene products should assist it in that direction. However, it could be done only by asymmetric or asymmetrizing cosmetics and personal hygiene products.

Analogically as in case of skin is the situation with the measures and methods of external influence on muscles and joints.  Even more, because “on the way” to them there is skin. (In particular it concerns products for massage of various types).

And thus!

In more philosophically comprehended human anatomy and physiology namely joints (with help of muscles, of course) make possible for us to move in time and space. And the art of live – that is where necessary and when necessary – comes to the degree of resonance with the Time and Space Laws (VIP Laws) – in both literal and metaphorical sense.

It is not coincidence that the number of joints in human organism (260) mirrors in itself the number of true galactic Time units (260 kins).

It is also not coincidence that there is the same number of types of cancer, as specific consequences of un-tuning in relation to the Time and Space Laws!

Whereas, the aptitude of cancer cells to limitless multiplications is a kind of manifest of pathologically oriented, nevertheless still existing in man, potential, of if not eternal, then at least of long life of human biological structure (and not only human).

And that is confirmed by growing – in the process of aging of the societies – statistics of occurring of cancers, that enormous potential exists practically in every man, needs only urgent change of direction to rejuvenation and factual extension of human life Even more! Just such vector of the change of direction seems to be the only safe solution of the situation! In other words, aging and oncology are the antithesis!

It is analogically in case of joints diseases (260). It is also the manifestation of the same enormous, but pathologically oriented potential. It also requires urgent redirection to physiological vector i.e. to rejuvenation and factual extension of human life.

The magnitude of this pathologic potential is recognized also by the World Health Organization, the statistics of which state, that the dominant directions of human pathology are cancers, joints diseases and heart and circulatory diseases. And although the World Health Organization does not come to similar conclusions, however it is just a matter of time.

Therefore, it should be not surprising that cosmetics, personal hygiene products, products for massage VIP ADAPTATION® prepared with the use of the VIP RCPFTT will fulfill their rejuvenating objectives, at the same time eliminating or reducing cancer threats (as well as joints’ and circulatory)! Because they will do it by redirecting of that enormous potential – to some extent “at its own expense”.

Such redirection can be seen quite clearly on the example of JAEMs described earlier. It is not difficult to see, that in case of these JAEMs which have rejuvenating features they are always accompanied by anti-cancer features. Of course, rejuvenating features relate to hearth as well as circulatory system, and joints.

Although it sounds extravagantly, but we hope that our further deliberation will authenticate our conclusions.

Then let’s take care about the “philosophy” of human muscles – without forgetting at the same time that heart also is a muscle.

Let’s quote what has been said on their role in the book “VIP TUNING”:

“42 X 9 = 378. This product of the number of mental powers (42) and the number of features of the Universal Cosmic Personality (9) and its result (378) representing the number of muscles in the human organism indicate on the physiological relation between mental, emotional and spiritual health of the man and his muscles system, which in such situations seems to be a biological indicator and “regulator” of the human health in general!”.

If anybody thinks it is just a speculation, he should think about the following already confirmed facts:

Because muscles are not only performers of physical movement but are also the place where our feelings and emotions are anchored to.

They are muscles where the emotional history of our life is “recorded”. Of course, we are talking about negative experiences and emotions – positive do not record, because they are the norm for the man!

That history records in the form of micro-spasms of muscle fibers since spasm of muscles – meaning the “atavistic” readiness to attack and defense – is the basic component of stress reaction. Because the stress reaction is the worst (as far as in consequences are concerned) of the adaptation reactions, long-term spasms of muscles mean for the organism or its parts lasting in the state of exhausting stress (whereas different types of negative emotions are related to specific groups of muscles). Over time that “muscle record” fixes, cumulates and manifests in the form of “armour of character”.

And just that “armour of character” is the carrier of memory of emotional traumas of our childhood and of our adolescence.

And just that “armour” is – as the hard disc – the carrier of complexes making our adult life difficult, and originating from these traumas of our childhood and of our adolescence. Because usually we do not remember these traumas we are not able to get rid of complexes originating from them. And just that “armour” deprives us of physical and emotional flexibility (as well as of philosophy of life).

And if we add, that the most important groups of muscles fulfill, in the organizational structure of the human organism, the role of regulators of the most important functions, it completes the dramatic truth about the scale of our lack of knowledge and ignorance.

How then they could be the efficient regulators, if they are burdened with our individual traumatic emotional history and carrying our “armour of character”.

At the same time, it is a true mechanism of origination of so called psychosomatic diseases, to which, telling the truth, vast majority of diseases tormenting mankind, may be accounted to.

At the same time, it is the true massage of our conclusions – it is that by influence on the muscles one can regulate the most important functions of the organism! It is that by influence on the muscles one can make our “armour of character” more flexible or even to disassemble it. And since a common denominator of all dysfunctions and all disorder and all pathologies – including long-asting micro-spasms of muscle fibers – is symmetrization, then a common denominator of all positive and corrective influences on muscles (and through muscles) should be the ability to restore, maintain and strengthen the asymmetry in muscle fibers.

In that context the art of massage i.e. skills and professionalism play they role, however the products used for such massage have not lesser, but decisive meaning for its effect. Of course we talk about asymmetric and asymmetrizing measures for massage All above mentioned conditions are met by OLIVE OIL VIP ADAPTATION® for body massage (BM).

Besides of that – as all cosmetics, personal hygiene products, products for massage VIP ADAPTATION® – that olive oil produces and carries asymmetrizing (that is healing) impulses in sick or weakened (that is aiming to a symmetry) organs energy-information related with massaged area of skin and muscles.

It is worth to mention here about one more important and required feature of cosmetics, personal hygiene products, products for massage VIP ADAPTATION®.

That is what has been written on that subject in the book titled “VIP TUNING …”

“On the other hand cosmetics produced on the basis of directionally tuned olive oil (as well as directionally tuned – water and alcohol) – constitute new era in cosmetology and dermatology!

The same relates to oils directionally tuned for various types of massage. And what is exceptionally important – irrespective of giving to oils for massage required cosmetic and healing features – tuned oil is blocking exchange of negative (un-tuning) energy and information between the masseur and the massaged person!

That is a new and not existing so far quality in that type of services and treatments – quality however still better understood and expected Thus it sounds optimistic!”

It is unquestioned truth, that in the organism everything is reciprocally related. There is, however, a specific area, both for cosmetology, and for the organism as a whole. It is our face (and in the wider context, head and neck).

It is the area most visible for the outside, and at the same time the area of manifestation of reciprocal relations and effects. Of course, our face it is not only a skin with its supplements, but also mimic muscles and joints – essential elements of our “armour of character”.

Therefore, cosmetics and personal hygiene products used in that area (face, hair, ears, neck) should in special manner support skin and muscles as well as joints in that area if filtering, neutralizing and transforming negative effects and vibrations originating both from the outside, as well as these, which we emanate ourselves with the help (or without help) of our “armour of character”.

Rank and significance of the face cosmetology are increased by discovery of existence of relation between face, brain and psychics. Namely we are talking about the discovery of Prof. Anashvili concerning creation of psychic-portrait on the basis of a photo photography of face with the possibility of reverse psych-creation. It is possible thanks to that, that the degree of harmony of man’s personality is the function of relation between brain hemispheres, which in turn mirror – and very precisely – on the face.

Since, however, the discovery by Prof. Anashvili of mentioned relations is a principle, therefore the principle is also the corrective influence of asymmetric or asymmetrizing cosmetics and personal hygiene products used in the area of face (and head and neck) on the harmonization of psychics. Further harmonized psychics gives to face a noble look, softens features, and truly makes it more beautiful.

These are further roles of true cosmetology! These are further features of cosmetics and personal hygiene products VIP ADAPTATION®!

And if we add, that different areas of the face represent different internal organs, that means that using on the face asymmetric or asymmetrizing cosmetics and personal hygiene products we send asymmetrizing impulses also to these organs. Of course, firstly the asymmetrization is effected on the skin of our face.

And if we add, that ear conches contain the active map of the whole organism, it means that influencing on them with asymmetric or asymmetrizing cosmetics and personal hygiene products to certain degree we are asymmetrizing the whole organism.

And if we add, that hair on our head are some kind of antennas, then it is important what we use for washing and taking care of them, and in which direction we are tuning – in the direction of maintaining asymmetry of life (including hair) vibrations of Time and Space (VIP) or accelerating symmetrization vibrations from local space-time (piv).

Summing-up then the above the role of personal hygiene products should be not just removing physical dirt, but also energy-information dirt!

The role of the cosmetics should be the protection against such dirt, neutralization of them, and possibly energy-information transformation.

The common role of one and the other should be supporting areas of their application in the direction of better fulfillment of their cosmo-physiological role, i.e. reception of the Time and Space vibrations, which maintain the asymmetry of life, both of these areas as well as the whole organism. Because only such situation secures true health and truly healthy look.

It is obvious. that on the skin of the human body there are areas more and less specific in the meaning of reciprocal relations. We do not know all of them – surely there are many to be discovered.

It is worth to mention here and to remember when washing hands and legs, that on their joints there are so called root points. There are 24 of them in total – 6 on joints of each of palms and feet. They are, so to say, representative points for the whole organism. It means, that when washing hands and legs, what is relatively most often hygienic activity, we have the possibility – by using asymmetric or asymmetrizing personal hygiene products – to support and strengthen the asymmetry of the whole organism.

It is not excluded – particularly from the point of view of the philosophy of human anatomy – that it is mainly for supporting of that asymmetry that these points are located just there where they are.

It is also worth to know that the skin on stomach is the relatively small area on which all our organs are projected.

Namely that fact is used in the FORMULA VIP ADAPTATION® for regulation of weight and the form of the body by rubbing into skin of the stomach Measures-Carriers of the VIP ADAPTATION specially tuned for that purpose. Most often they are oils or alcohols. (See Directions of VIP ADAPTATION: D-19).

However, irrespective of that, one should pay attention to that area even during bathing – by using asymmetric or asymmetrizing personal hygiene products – to support and strengthen the asymmetry of the whole organism.

Summing-up the above deliberations it is important also that the Reader of this publication as well as the User of cosmetics, personal hygiene products and products for massage VIP ADAPTATION® know that these and other products prepared with the use of the Resonance Conditions Propitious for Tuning to the Time and Space Laws (VIP RCPFTT) is not limited only to the ability of asymmetrization of areas of their application. It is just one – although one of most important aspects of that process.

VIP RCPFTT are the intelligent Conditions and their intelligence spreads in certain degree also to products prepared with the use of them – in this case cosmetics, personal hygiene products and products for massage VIP ADAPTATION®.

In accordance with the Resonance Principle there is no doubt also that they will be used rather by intelligent people.

That everything as a whole contributes to uniqueness and originality of cosmetics, personal hygiene products and products for massage VIP ADAPTATION®.

Now there are available for purchasing:

  • HAND CREAM VIP ADAPTATION® on the base of olive oil from the first pressing;
  • SHAMPOO VIP ADAPTATION® on the base of olive oil from the first pressing;
  • BODY MILK VIP ADAPTATION® on the base of olive oil from the first pressing;
  • SOAP VIP ADAPTATION® on the base of olive oil from the first pressing;
  • FACIAL CREAM VIP ADAPTATION® on the base of olive oil from the first pressing;
  • OLIVE OIL VIP ADAPTATION® for body massage on the base of olive oil from the first pressing.



For these who are interested in accelerated gaining healthy cosmetic effects (in the meaning of healthy and objective rejuvenation) we inform that in addition to cosmetics VIP ADAPTATION®. There are also JERUSAEM ARTICHOKE-ENERGY-MATS VIP ADAPTATION® (JAEM VIP ADAPTATION®) which have strong and deeply protruding asymmetrization effect.

They act directly not only on skin and hypodermic tissue,  but also on face and neck muscles.

That is not all! Majority of them (whereas not only these used around head) slows down the so called increase of breaking threshold of         , which increase is responsible for aging in general.

Effects of energy-mats and of cosmetics VIP ADAPTATION® support reciprocally.

Here are JERUSAEM ARTICHOKE-ENERGY-MATS VIP ADAPTATION® used in preventive treatment of aging and for actual healthy rejuvenation:

  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – neck + spine
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – head + face
  • JAEM VIP ADAPTATION® – left leg (joint



From energy-information point of view, Measures-Carriers of VIP ADAPTATION are secured against piv methods of “downloading information”. It means that they cannot be faked!


The guarantee of purchase of original Measures-Carriers of VIP ADAPTATION is secured not only by their labeling with the registered international trademark VIP ADAPTATION® but also purchasing them in appropriate place.

That place, solely and exclusively, is the company:


13-220 Rybno, ul. Obwodowa 2

Phone / Facsimile: + (48) 236 972 616; cell phone: 721 450 809

The Company VIP ADAPTATION Sp. z o.o. has its own internet shop: www.vipadaptation.pl



Russian Academy of Medical Science

Russian Academy of Natural Science

Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene Research Institute

of A. N. Sysin RAMN

Association “Water-Medicine-Ecology”

Spain, Benidorm, November 2008






Nikolai Vasilievich Makarov, Sc.D.(Chemistry), Professor, Head of the Chemistry Department  at the Moscow State University for Applied Biotechnology, Member of the Russian Academy of Information-Technology Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

Władysław Stanisław Rybicki M.D., Psy.D., Center of Biological Medicine, International Institute of Human Ecology, Spain; Poland.


In any field of science, it is important to have a system. For example, the Mendeleev’s Periodic System made possible to raise the theory and practice of chemistry at the higher level. The same took place in physics after “unification” of electricity and magnetism by Faraday and Maxwell. There are also examples of systematization in biology. While the basis for any system is some feature characteristics or manifestation common for all systemized objects or phenomenon.

Therefore, it seems almost impossible to present on the single basis the system of Universe with its infinite variety of manifestations. The attempts to create such system by the way of “unification” of all cooperating forces: electro-magnetic, gravitational, strong and weak have not succeeded so far.

Whereas we will propose to assume as a base for systematic presentation of the nature the “presentation” on symmetry of asymmetry (SAS) in their dialectic unity. Whereas the term “asymmetry” should be understood as: non-equilibrium, instability, movement in one direction, saturation with energy, explosion, bifurcation, non-linearness, oddness, spirality, magnetism, contradiction, however, in biology – life. By the term “symmetry” we mean opposing manifestations and characteristics.

As far as we consider the subject of safety of life – and life according to our understanding is the manifestation of asymmetry which “aims” to symmetry that is to the end of life – then the matter of the safety of life resolves to maintain the asymmetry of every biological system including man.

Thus life – it is the process, dynamics, “aiming” of asymmetry to symmetry. Full symmetry of the system i.e. death, happens most often through gradual symmetrization of organs and tissues, that is through disease of any of the systems – from reproductive to nervous systems of the organism. Although life is the manifestation of asymmetry – as to the shape (geometry), location of organs, as well as to the content (molecular level) – then in the matter of its safety the most interesting is the asymmetry on the molecular level.

We know that that the animal world has at its base proteins, and the vegetable – carbohydrates. Proteins and carbohydrates are built of, respectively, amino acids and monosaccharide – organic compositions. These in turn have coal in their base. And every atom of coal is connected with four “neighbours”. In case “neighbours” are different then such coal is called asymmetric and molecules containing it of the same composition and name exist in pairs – as the object and its mirror refection or as the left and right hands. It is a mirror, manual (chiral) or space asymmetry.

One should note that it is very important for understanding the live nature that “left” – L and “right” – D asymmetric molecules of the same substance have different and usually opposing biological features. And if the quantity of L and D molecules is the same (symmetry), then such mixture is called racemic, biologically inactive.

Therefore, life appeared only on the matrix of asymmetric biologically active molecules.

The base of proteins of all live systems are asymmetric L “left” amino acids and in the nature more than twenty of them exist. On the other hand, carbohydrates consist of D “right” mono-saccharine.

Asymmetry of life is possible only in conditions maintaining it.

Correlation and link of symmetry and asymmetry may be demonstrated in the symbolic way as a reversible equilibrium:

A ↔ E + S

where A – asymmetry, E – kinds of energy (all kinds of fields of cooperation: electromagnetic gravitational and other possible) ; S – symmetry.

Asymmetry of life “A” as the “unstable” state constantly needs the asymmetry of external conditions – otherwise it “reverses itself” to symmetry “S” with ejection of energy of energy “E” .

SAS is the base for formation of a system or the Universal Picture of the World (UPW).

In accordance with the UPW the whole Universe is a manifestation of the eternal pendulum in which the homogeneous nothing (symmetry) aims to indefinite variety of something (asymmetry) and vice versa.

            The most important asymmetrizing factor of life is the Planet itself with its revolution and the magnetic field and other characteristics of asymmetry.

Correlation of internal and external asymmetry favors stabilization of life. Change of their proportions in the result of shielding leads to partial (disease) or total (death) symmetrization.

It is particularly visible in the outer space at the distance from the Planet – the more farther the more distinctly.

It is known that in the outer space animals with a short population period already in 5-6 generation cease to exist because of cancers or other kinds of pathologies etc.

However it is not the outer space that is shielding us against external asymmetry.

Man has also on the Planet many shields having negative effect on the state of his asymmetry that is health. Insulation takes place through the quality of shoes, cloths, through use of over ground, air, water etc. transportation.

            Important effect on our health, and thus on the safety of life, is brought by food. As long as man consumes natural products, which like everything alive, contain asymmetric molecules, there is no need to worry. However, when the need arises to change to synthetic ones, that is symmetric products – which in fact cannot be asymmetric – then problems appears. Such problems in the world already appeared in synthetic production of medicaments and their use. The example is thalidomide – a medicine used in treatment of woman cyetic poisoning. It may exist both in asymmetric, as well as in racemic (symmetric) forms. Use of the later form led to giving birth of pathological children.

And thus life, as stated earlier – is the manifestation of asymmetry.

Asymmetry, as unstable state of any systems, is maintained through asymmetry of external conditions. Absence or reduction of the last ones leads to symmetrization of the system, and in biology – to the end of life.

            And therefore – in order to maintain life, it is necessary to maintain asymmetry constantly, doing that in various manners, including consumption of asymmetric natural products (synthetic products are always symmetric). Whether there is any alternative for natural food and medical products? These questions, at the same time are the challenges for biotechnology.

Whereas until present in science by using the method of synthesis only equal quantity of L and D form has been achieved – that is symmetric or racemic mixture. Hence in 2001 the Nobel Prize was awarded only for the circular method of synthesis of asymmetric molecules of one of chemical substances.

            Only just in 2006 for the first time in the world Władysław Stanisław Rybicki M.D. in direct way obtained asymmetrization of the racement of one of substances important for life – the lactic acid.

Dr. Rybicki using, elaborated by himself, the Resonance Conditions Propitious for Tuning to the Time and Space Laws (RCPFTT VIP), obtained, from recemic, that is biologically inactive mixture of lactic acid molecules, asymmetric, that is biologically active, mixture of that substance.

That achievement was verified and confirmed, inter alias, at the Chemistry Department at Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology. Taking into consideration the cosmic level of that achievement, before it was decided to announce it in the world of science, its result had been researched and verified through the period of more than two years.

Until Dr. Rybicki’s works became known, only the reverse process was spontaneously taking place – symmetrization.

Apart from that scientific achievement, Dr. Rybicki’s clinical experience of many years, confirms that for the purpose of maintaining health, and thus asymmetry, VIP TUNING should be used – influencing directly on the human organism, as well as by using Measures-Carriers tuned with the use of RCPFTT VIP (that is Measures-Carriers VIP ADAPTATION), which are mainly: water, wine and other alcohols, olive oil and other vegetable oils, salt, sugar, vinegar etc.

Preventive treatment and curing of many incurable, so far diseases have been implemented in accordance with Dr. Rybicki’s methods.

            Summing-up our presentation we should state that further ignoring of the SAS term and phenomenon in medicine and food industry is inadmissible.

            Unfortunately, until recently these questions have been disregarded. It has not been important during the period of technical development where SAS has played no role.

In the period of biology, which our civilization has entered to, it is hard to imagine the development without SAS concept, because biology itself (as life) is the manifestation of asymmetry, and therefore it owes to it its own existence on the Planet.

            Due to that what has been stated above – researches of SAS issues are becoming more and more pressing.

W. Makarow

S. Rybicki


The lecture quoted above and breaking asymmetrization of the lactic acid racement are already the history.

Already till mid 2009 Dr. Rybicki with the use of the Resonance Conditions Propitious for Tuning to the Time and Space Laws (RCPFTT VIP) carried out asymmetrization of racement of other substances important for life, such as certain amino acids, antibiotics and anti-oxidants.

Subsequent years (until present) allowed to extend the list of asymmetrized racements even more.