Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Poland 2015
VIP ADAPTATION® – is the most transparent and pragmatic Formula of modern biology and modern biological medicine – namely, the disciplines dealing with life and its safety, i.e. health. No wonder! After all, it is derived from the most transparent and the most clear scientific definition of life, which was ever formulated and with which the whole scientific world agreed. This is the definition: Life is one big adaptation process that takes place in Time and Space (VIP), and aging and disease is the price of suboptimal, in other words, false adaptation (piv – adaptation) that does not take into account the Laws of Time and Space (VIP Laws).
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Poland 2015 — 2018
Salt or food (NaCl), both stone and sea – is on the one hand a necessary substance for life, and on the other – is a topic that causes a lot of controversy and disagreement, especially among scientists who are engaged in health and nutrition. At the same time, salt is equally necessary for the proper functioning of the human (and not only human) organism, and is necessary and practically indispensable in food technologies. This double necessity of salt arises first of all from the history of the appearance of life on Earth built into our physiology. Because it is known that all life on our planet originated in the sea i.e. salt water.
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Poland 2015 — 2018
Sugar food (sucrose) apparently as well as salt, the most controversial nutrient substance. At the same time, like salt, it is necessary and almost indispensable in food technology. However, unlike salt, which is clearly necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, the same can not be said about the need for sugar. Though?! As well as salt, it should be – according to numerous studies-largely responsible for the occurrence of the most common diseases today.
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Poland 2015 — 2018
In the brochure «VIP ADAPTATION® – THE FORMULA FOR A HEALTHY LIFE» in the Chapter «Beauty VIP ADAPTAION®» clarified that the main principle of life and health SAS (Symmetry-Asymmetry) refers not to food and medicines, but also cosmetics, personal hygiene products, products for massages, etc. This is because that at the molecular level all life, young and healthy is asymmetric, and aging and disease is nothing but the loss of this asymmetry, i.e. symmetrization.It is not surprising that the only correct criterion for the selection of both food, medicines, and cosmetics, and personal care products, should be their ability to support this unfortunately unstable asymmetry.
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Water, olive oil, and wine – the basis to future medicine a brief history of great discoveries
Poland 2010
The statement that mankind has been using the properties of water and alcohol for medicinal and adaptogenic purposes since ancient times is no longer a discovery.The discovery is the statement that the basis of a truly therapeutic and adaptogenic properties of water and alcohol, lay and are their «storage» properties – that is, the ability to remember and transmit information. Knowledge on this subject came from observation and intuitive experience. They were transmitted, corrected and supplemented by subsequent generations of people, mainly due to the existence of the collective unconscious and its archetypes – patterns of behavior.
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Spain 2008
The following book is the result of an incredible medical career – from a doctor at a military unit, through a versatile and independent practice in various parts of Poland and up to the treatment of the top elites of that country. It is the result of over thirty-year, highly unconventional medical practice and the fight against most serious types of human pathologies. At the same time, it is the product of the search for answers to the most intriguing questions concerning the human existence, the sense of human suffering, the sense of the existence of illnesses etc., inspired and corrected by that „field”.
This way, the book serves as a certain synthesis of religion, science and practice. Note, importantly, that the result of this synthesis is additionally confirmed and in a way „acknowledged”, by a number of scientific discoveries, including those at the highest global level, made by the author of this book. Importantly, it is discoveries that go way beyond the framework of medicine, psychology and religion.
Thanks to that special synthesis of syntheses, the author presents revolutionary conclusions concerning the position of individual man, as well as the entire humanity in the Universe. He also proves, among other things, that the Time and Space (VIP, from the first letters of their names in Russian: Vryemia i Prostranstvo) are the perfect representation of the SOURCE OF ALL BEING.
The author explains the Laws of Time and Space (VIP Laws) and describes the Features of Universal Cosmic Personality (FUCP). He proves that it is the study of the basics of complying with VIP Laws and the adaptation and learning of FUCP, or VIP DOSTROYENIE, that are the goals of the earthly existence of spiritual being equipped with a body – the biological vehicle called the man. It is precisely in that context that illnesses, unpleasant accidents, disasters, epidemics and pandemic outbreaks, including the bird’s flue, serve as the enforcers of VIP Laws and thus constitute the consequences of extreme human retuning with respect to them.
At the same time the author proves that the man is equipped with a system of „early warning” signals against extreme retuning, perfected gradually in the process of its biological-spiritual evolution and based on the spinal cord. He also proves that the knowledge and respect of that system would not only prevent the appearance of serious illnesses and accidents, but would also significantly extend the youth and length of the human life. The main outlines of that system are presented in this book as the BIOLOGICAL-SPIRITUAL KEY-MODEL OF MAN, based on the spine, an organ which lets everyone make a causal self-diagnosis of their health and life problems. Note that this diagnosis is also a recipe resolving these problems.
That’s not all!
What is particularly intriguing is that the author proves that a „significant, as much as 90% share of suffering and disasters experienced by man and the humanity – almost throughout the entire history – is undeserved and does not serve man’s and humanity’s development. Who, then, why and how does this undeserved, excessive human suffering serve? Who, why and how has contributed to the at least ten-fold shortening of the human life?
Who, why and how has contributed (and continues to contribute) to the increasing retuning with respect to VIP laws, both of individual men and humanity as a whole? Whose goals are being served by wars, if the causal share of human retuning in their appearance has an only 20% stake.
As well as:
What are the current global events, including the financial and economic crisis forecasting and signaling?
To what end is the retuned and increasingly retuning humanity proceed?
In this special book, the Reader will find the answers to those and other questions as well as paths and methods of exiting the fatal – as the author proves it – situation of man and the humanity.
People, wake up!
− That is the main message of this book.
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Poland 2017
Can only one book give a clear and intelligible answer to the basic questions that every sane person asks himself?
- What is the purpose of our earthly life?
- What should be the right direction for the further evolution of man and his body?
- What is the true cause of the most common diseases and diseases in General?
- What is the true cause of the troubles and problems?
- How to raise children and young people?
- How and why should you respect your parents?
- How should we live to avoid, typical for people, the disappointment of the end of life?
- What is the true cause of worsening climate change and weather anomalies?
- What is the real cause of the epidemic and pandemics?
- What is the true cause of the growing number of natural anomalies and disasters?
It is hard to believe, but this book, with a volume of only 126 pages — gives clear and fairly accurate answers to all the above questions. Moreover! With its help, any reader can make a causal diagnosis of their personal health problems and life troubles. Yes!!! He can solve these problems, because the correct diagnosis is already a recipe for a successful solution. And most importantly-you will be able to get, for themselves, recommendations, how to live on, to avoid serious problem in the future. Is it possible now? The reader will learn about this after reading the book.
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Spain 2010
Increasingly, events taking place in the main organizational structures and institutions of the modern world are defined by terms borrowed from the names of phenomena and catastrophes occurring with the participation of the forces of Nature.
Here at least:
«Earthquakes» in politics, in economic, financial and religious institutions; «tsunamis» on exchanges; the eruptions «volcanoes» information; «epidemics» of bankruptcies, resignations, etc., etc.
Are such associations, however, accidental?
The reader, who has read these books, is well aware that there are no accidents – everything is controlled by RESONANCE.
An attentive Reader will notice in this – and this is true – the manifestation of the activation of the «law of resonance of parallel phenomena».
However, this is not the end!
Before the inquisitive Reader, this article opens up new resonant dependencies and … everything becomes much clearer.
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Poland 2002
An interview with Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki, Doctor of Medicine and Psychology, the creator of Modern Biological Medicine and the founder of International Institute of Human Ecology.
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
The Message of the Disease The Disease as Your Chance
Poland 2004
Life without disease has been man’s dream from time immemorial. Meanwhile, disease seems to have accompanied humankind from the dawn of its history. Therefore, was there any mistake in the art and act of man’s creation or was it purposeful action? It was neither mistake nor purposeful work! The answer is contained in the following statement, which will be elaborated upon and justified further: Man is a biological-spiritual vehicle in which the body functions as a biological transmitter signalling its spiritual problems. A suitable solution to this vehicle’s health problems and their spiritual messages is rendered by tuning it (particularly its spiritual part) into UNIVERSAL LIFE LAWS, which are LAWS OF SPACE. These laws must be learnt by mankind since the entire cosmic community, whatever we understand by this term, is bound by them.
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Message of the Bird’s Flu to the Mankind
Poland 2006
Bird flu is a message of the Laws of Time and Space that goes to man through the birds – the natural owners of Space.
Why through birds?
In order to draw the attention of mankind to Space and its Laws.
Space is an energy-informational structure, which is a source of energy of life, which has universal spiritual qualities, such as intelligence and love. So say the ancient sources, this is confirmed by modern discoveries.
However, man-the owner of the Planet, his psycho-physical and spiritual state is too much UPSET in relation to the Universal Laws of Time and Space.
Wladyslaw Stanislaw Rybicki
Latest technology of the tunung-in towards the time and space laws and the history of its creation PRESENTATION OF THE BOOKS
Poland 2006